I am Angelica, Holistic Therapist, specialized in Complementary Therapies. During each session I seek to create a space for conversation that allows us to share the deepest meaning of life. Throughout my life I have done several studies that have helped me to develop the therapy that I currently offer. It combines the different disciplines that I know and that together, from my perspective, allow for a more efficient relief process.
I am certified in Angelic Healing, Etheric Surgery and as a Clinical Hypnotherapist- NLP; Akashic Records Reader, Bach Flowers Therapist, Reiki Kundalini Master and Reiki Usui as well. I have a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts Education, and a degree in Advertising and Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) which gives me a broader vision and scope to support the people who visit me.
Thanks to Barbara Brennan, Lise Bourbeau, Louise Hay, who through their studies and experiences, allow us to access greater resources to develop a more complete therapy.
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